Manningham Still Addicted To Cars, Less Full Time Employment and Still No Cyclists

Any significant “Mode Shift” (cycling and use of public transport) is not reflected in the 2011 census data..

 Work journeys TO Manningham :

83 per cent of work journeys to Manningham in 2011 were by car, compared to 84% in 1996, while 5 per cent were by public transport. an increase of 1% since 1996.

Even less people rode by bike to Manningham..0.32% in 2011 compared to 0.36% in 1996

Method of travel (work journeys FROM Manningham)

81% in 1996- – -78% in 2011 by car an increase of 3% and while a Car passenger increased 1% to 8% since 1996 while public transport increased from 8% to 13% from 1996.

0.33% rode to work from Manningham in 2011 compared to 0.15% in 1996

 The Census showed a very small increase in employment since 1996 but a decline of approx 3000 in full time work. 

2014-02 Stats VTA-Journey-to-work-Manningham

1 Comment

  1. Valcurl says:

    Most of the data available in regard to cycling throughout Manningham indicate a maximum of around .030% ride to work which has hardly varied since 1996.

    According to Manningham Council, the Australian Bureau of Statistics Data. “Method of Travel to Work” census data indicated cycling to work equated to a mode share of 0.23% of total trips to work from Manningham in 2006 compared with 0.28% in 2011. which was even less than the census percentages.

    In contrast, Banyule City Council recorded a bicycle travel to work mode share of 1.03%

    City of Melbourne recorded a mode share of 3.8% in the 2011 Census.

    Surveys have found that those walking to work outnumber cyclists by a ratio of approximately 4 to 1 in Manningham. In Doncaster there were 564 walking compared to 150 cyclists. According to census 2011, Manningham West had 481 walking and 117 who rode to work.

    Among the factors accounting for such low numbers are;

    Perception of Safety.
    Lack of safe routes. e.g. Dangers of sharing dedicated bus lanes in busy periods, minor roads too narrow, kerb side parking obstructions and the direct routes from home to work often have no facility for cyclists.

    The majority of the routes throughout Manningham exceed the recommended gradient of 3%, especially in the areas in and around Doncaster Hill.

    Inclement Weather.
    Even in ideal conditions, riders should have access to showers, change room facilities and clothing lockers, which are not always available.

    Available Daylight.
    Night riding in winter months not suitable for safe riding

    Distance From Workplace.
    Travel time can be a prohibitive factor.


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