At present there appears to be too great an emphasis on increasing housing density without giving due recognition to the importance of high quality public transport services to ensuring this increased density does not end up being associated with reduced liveability due to continuing high levels of car ownership and private travel.
Urban expert Dr Ernest Healy said car numbers in the city could rise by up to a massive 46 per cent, or an extra 1.13 million, by 2031, based on current high migrant intakes. “It would be astronomical. Governments would never keep up with the required road infrastructure -something’s got to give,” he said.
For example, ..
………..some high density developments, such as Doncaster, have not seen a reduced level of car ownership and increased public transport usage despite proximity to local retail, community and an improved bus service..
You go out to the eastern corridor and you have distinctly lower amenity and absolutely no centres. They are on the map and planners say ‘The centres exist’, but they do not in reality. There is shopping there and that is all. There are no jobs out there. There are no services for health and so on. It is just houses. We have essentially created a car dependence out there where they have to travel and these are the poor suburbs. The need for creating amenity in those suburbs with genuine urban options is the real challenge that we have.
Limiting car use might be possible but not car ownership otherwise how are we to ferry our children to School, to the Doctor, to sports events, visiting friends and relatives, and supermarket shopping etc? We need our cars because the majority of full time work is located in areas outside of Manningham.
Why expect otherwise in an area so remote without a railway and supporting infrastructure?
Manningham City Council, the largest employer outside of Westfield traders, currently employs a total of 665 staff. Of these employees, 408 are a full-time equivalent. At least 95% of the total number travel to work by car. Most Supermarket shopping is done by way of car, more than 90% according to Westfield, and an even greater percentage of customer car use if and when the Bunnings Store is constructed.
Bus patronage to the City has improved significantly since the introduction of the Smart Bus fleet but not entirely to the benefit of Doncaster commuters, in fact, there is evidence to suggest that there are a similar number of users from neighbouring Boroondara. (Greythorn-North Balwyn)
There is no long term car parking available at the Doncaster Bus terminal! Doncaster commuters must drive west to the Park and Ride so in peak periods all the Buses are at capacity resulting in passengers having to stand all the way to the City.
A brochure from Mary Wooldridge, under the heading of “some substantial things for our community”, included obtaining the $47 million grant for the upgrading of the Doncaster Area Rapid Transport (DART) which is simply not true.
State Government has shaved millions off the proposed $47 million pledge.The government announced that DART would receive $10.6 million as part of a $41.5 million investment, $5.5 million short of the $47 million pledged. However budget figures showed $30.9 million has already been spent!
In the same document she claims credit for the political stunt, another expensive, useless and futile rail study, another con to enhance her own re-election prospects.
Car ownership is dependent on two things: one is wealth and the other one is car dependence. I have no problem with cars and car ownership…car dependence is the problem. If you have to have a car, whether you can afford it or not, that is the problem. We have families now in Doncaster who are spending a large portion of their income on travel.
On the development of a ‘car culture’, Australian academic Graeme Davison, in his extensive discussion on the car and its place in Melbourne’s growth, has stated;
“Cars are everywhere. They take us to work, shop and play. They monopolise our streets and roadways and mould the landscape to their insistent demands. They are homes away from home, little oases of privacy, where drivers sit alone with their thoughts amidst the hum of traffic or couples cling in dark side streets. In the battle of the sexes, cars are also powerful weapons. They are love objects and status symbols of danger and sudden death.”