Building Next Door – what should you put up with? Blocked Driveways ?
If you have a significant development going on next door, and they do go on for many , many months, how tolerant would you be?
- Is it OK for them to place safety bollards over the entire street blocking residents from parking for months on end ? Even on Sundays when they are not working?
- And to fill the surrounding streets with builders utes literally for several hundred meters in all directions?
- Is it appropriate for them to park trucks across your driveway to unload without warning?
Well if you follow the pictures below you will see that is what is happening here.
“Traffic Management” is a role the council request the developers manage through-out the development.
Traffic management, when left to the developers can mean “Builder Access Preferred.”
You can call the council to complain, and they should come and address the situation.
You should also get to know the site manager and have them keep the workers in check if possible.
there is two development going on near us currently, so we are getting it pretty intense….
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If you care to check, you might find that the development next door could have obtained a building permit just before council implemented a further series of changes to the planning scheme. (bewildering I know) It is my understanding that under the new schedule, if the area of the land is less than 1800m2, a developer can only build 2 (two) storey “town house style developments” with ground level entries.
We are one of the 5 (five) out of a total of 11 (eleven) quality town houses in Whittens Lane that have a 3 (three) storey, 16 (sixteen) apartment development, being constructed directly on our side boundaries. We have complained at the unreasonable level of noise and vibration that has been occurring but have been told the developer is abiding by the regulations and there is nothing that can be done to minimise the problem.
The only councillor that returned our calls had informed us that the development does not conform to the new regulations because the site is too small but unfortunately the changes could not have been applied because the permit was issued beforehand. Which is cold comfort for our neighbours, who will also face further stress and inconvenience in the months ahead, and well as having to contemplate the loss of our property values. It seems terribly unfair that some residents will have to bear the brunt of mistakes made, while others are less affected, both financially and amenity wise, because of the cavalier and ad hoc planning by the Manningham council who could not survive if it were subject to the rigours of private enterprise.
Whittens Lane