“waste water was to be harvested from the trunk sewage main at the golf course”
Sewer Mine & Treatment Plant (550-650 Kl/d) Storage Tank (1 ml) & Pumping Station
The Manningham -Yarra Valley Water proposal, to locate a sewer mining plant on the Eastern Golf Club land, was the result of a MOU between the two authorities to supply recycled water to Doncaster Hill developments. Sewer Plant Study It was not supported by the community nor by EGC members who feared it would undermine the chances of the EGC obtaining a fair sale price for its land, if marketed subject to a Sewer Mining Plant being located on site, in addition to the prospect of a large area being negotiated for parkland. A lower figure, than what would be required to finance relocating, could have resulted in the golf club staying.
Although there were some technical issues identified by YVW, such as pipe flow etc., it seemed more likely it was Manningham who wanted a definite sale to ensure the ultimate development of the EGC, that had caused the sewer plant to be abandoned.
Judging by the community and councillor’s rejection of a sewer plant at (double click to enlarge) an alternative location at Tram Road reserve it is difficult to imagine how a sewage plant could have been approved at the EGC. In 2010, well before the EGC sewer plant was abandoned
Manningham Council and Yarra Valley Water had taken steps to mandate the inclusion of a third pipe in all new developments on Doncaster Hill Activity Centre and the Eastern Golf Course to accept the cycled water as part of the planning permit process.
With all options in Manningham exhausted and Whitehorse council showing no interest in providing Eram park as a possible location, YVW may have no option but to compulsory acquire a suitable site.
No mention was made of the lack of pipe flow in the study. Sewer Plant Study
Manningham City Council had engaged the partnership of Bonacci Water, MWH and Cullen Capital to develop an integrated water cycle management strategy for the redevelopment that combines current best practice stormwater management with reductions in mains water use and waste water discharges. According to the study the Doncaster Hill recycled water strategy was to harvested waste water from the trunk sewage main at the Golf Course.
Re: Urgent Questions – Tram Road Reserve Sewerage Treatment – Council Minutes 27 July 2010
The letter published from Stephen O’brien (Candidate for Koonung Ward) to Manningham CEO requesting information.
Attn: Leigh Harrison, A/CEO, Manningham City Council
Dear Leigh
Please see the attached Council minutes of the 27th July 2010 wherein Council categorically states
Eastern Golf Course Opportunity
1.27. While not located within Doncaster Hill, the potential development of the Eastern Golf course provides an excellent opportunity to leverage the Doncaster Hill example.
1.28. The 47 hectare Eastern Golf Course is located immediately to the east and downstream of Doncaster Hill. Its potential redevelopment provides a number of opportunities to support an integrated water management approach, both within the Eastern Golf Course redevelopment and on Doncaster Hill, for a range of reasons, including:
Development at the golf course is expected to create significant additional demand for water.
Development at the golf course is likely to increase the potential for stormwater flows from within the site. There is already a recognised flooding and capacity issue within the downstream Melbourne Water stormwater system, which needs to be addressed.
Under the provisions of the Victorian Planning Scheme, development will be required to comply with Clause 56 of the Planning Scheme, including
the attainment of stormwater management standards and consideration of opportunities for integrated water management.
Development of the golf course will provide an opportunity to negotiate with a developer around the provision of land for a potential water treatment plant, and achievement of some broader sustainability principles across the Eastern Golf Course development.
My question is this: Why wasn’t this opportunity that was identified by your Council Officers rigorously pursued and what agreements (if any) were made with Mirvac Group to relocate the Sewerage Treatment Plant to its present location?
I look forward to your urgent response.
Stephen O’Brien
Town Planner
Candidate for Koonung Ward (Manningham City Council)
1 Comment
The eastern golf club management and its members were not consulted before it was decided that the golf course area would be the likely site for the YVW sewer plant at the Manningham council meeting held on the 27th July 2010. Fortunately common sense prevailed and council were forced to locate the plant elsewhere. It now appears certain that YVW will have to negotiate with Whitehorse council for the use of Eram Park, a mile away from where it was first proposed on the eastern golf course.