From United Press International Archives Sept. 10, 1998 — In what is becoming a monthly routine, Vice President Al Gore staged a White House ceremony to release data showing worldwide temperatures for the previous month were the warmest on record. Citing government figures showing the average global temperature index for August was 61.4 degrees Fahrenheit (16.3 degrees Celsius), or 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit above the mean temperature dating back to 1880, Gore said, ‘How much more evidence do we need that global warming is real and here to stay?’ Yet the current NOAA climate records show a global temperature of 57.95 Fahrenheit (14.42 Celsius) for 1997 and 58.19 Fahrenheit (14.55 Celsius) in 1998, more than 3 degrees Fahrenheit cooler, which could not have been available when the graph below was first published in the New York Times.
The figures, produced by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, showed the previous record for August was 61.1 F (16.2 C), set in 1997. Gore said, ‘We have had the hottest year in more than a century, followed by the eight straight hottest months in more than a century, together with some of the most severe weather of the century.’ The Clinton administration has proposed a five-year, $6.3 billion package of tax breaks and research spending designed to encourage greater energy efficiency. It has also urged Congress to ratify an international agreement reached last December in Kyoto, Japan, designed to place worldwide limits on ‘greenhouse gases’ emitted by the burning of fossil fuels. Although the Clinton administration was criticized by other countries in Kyoto for refusing to accept sharper limits on U.S. greenhouse gases, members of the Republican-led Congress have rejected the deal as unacceptably tough. Clinton has repeatedly called for action by Congress, making the subject a recurring theme of his political stump speeches for the past several years. The Earth’s average surface temperature has increased by about 1 degree Fahrenheit in the 20th century, and scientists have generally agreed that emissions of gases from the burning of coal and oil are responsible for at least part of the trend. —
How can we determine the amount of global warming if we don’t have an accurate starting point? According to the NOAA graph it was 61.50 F in 1900 compared to their current data which indicates the 1880 global temperature at 56.67 F.
Ever wondered why anti warming bloggers websites don’t publish this temperature data? This is because there is money in prolonging the conjecture which is why most of the opponents don’t want to go anywhere near past temperatures which they know to be flawed.
The first real time annual climate reports were published in a New York Times “Global Warmth In ’88 Is Found To Set a Record” By Philip Shabecoff, Special To the New York Times Feb. 4, 1989. Excerpt from the article: “The British readings showed that the average global temperature in 1988 was 0.612 degrees Fahrenheit higher than the long-term average for the period 1950 through 1979, which is a base for comparing global temperatures. The average worldwide temperature for that 30-year period is roughly 59 degrees Fahrenheit, the British researchers said” This means that 1988’s annual average temperature was 59.618 Fahrenheit (15.34 Celsius)
The average global temperature for 2020, according to NOAA was 14.88 Celsius (58.78 degrees Fahrenheit). This is getting closer to the tipping point which is when the annual temperatures rise above the pre-industrial temperature of 13.71 C by 1.50 C. The IPCC predicted that with the stringent measures they have recommended such as becoming Vegans and eating insects (CSIRO) we could possibly peg the global temperature below the dreaded 15.21 C when all hell could break loose.
The press might have lapped it up initially but it is already expressing concern and it is only a matter of time before tide will turn against these extremists and when it does it will be brutal. The public don’t like the cowardly exploitation of our school children to support their fear mongering.
China is emitting more GHG than the rest of the world put together yet they do not have to achieve zero emissions until 2060 because they are a developing country sending rockets in to space…..Please!
There are close to 500 nuclear power stations throughout the world. There are no emissions and no mining of our precious metals involved, no emissions from transportation etc.. but the green movement won’t allow it. Meanwhile China are manufacturing our wind turbines and solar panels from our coal.
Perhaps they have revised temperatures archives to allow for the inaccuracy of temperature measuring in 1990 by subtracting three degrees Celsius to all temperatures up to 1997? That would explain it, but it is hardly plausible when you take into account the lack of reliable data from the southern hemisphere leading up to 1979 before satellites were first deployed. There is no way of determining the amount global warming if we don’t have a starting point.
I have a copy of a news article from the UPI Archives dated January 9, 1991 With the heading: Earth’s average surface temperature was higher in 1990 than….. By Rod Stein UPI Science Editor. WASHINGTON–Earth’s average surface temperature was higher in 1990 than any other year on record, possibly a sign of the dreaded global warming, scientists reported Wednesday. An analysis of data collected at 2000 meteorological around the globe found 1990 was the warmest year in records dating back to 1880–with temperatures averaging 59.8 degrees Fahrenheit.
In the New York Times articles published articles between 1988 to 1997 averaged close to 60 degrees Fahrenheit. To read the articles all you have to do is type in New York Times, the year and global warming.
New York Times: International Team of Specialists Finds No End in Sight to 30 Year Cooling Trend in Northern Hemisphere By Walter Sullivan Jan. 5, 1978.
Data from the Southern Hemisphere, particularly south of latitude 30 south, are so meager that reliable conclusions are not possible, the report says. The 30th parallel of south latitude passes through South Africa, Chile and southern Australia. The cooling trend seems to?extend at least part way into the Southern Hemisphere but there have been indications of warming at high southern latitudes.
They did not allow for the digital revolution which will come back to bite them. Now they are indoctrinating our school children which will make it worse for them in the long run.
The four climate monitoring agencies, NOAA, NASA, CRU and British Met Office, posted global temperatures that were more than four degrees Fahrenheit warmer than their own archived temperature data during the period 1988 through to 1997 then reduced their temperature data to line up with WMO who first published temperatures from 1993. The question is how could they get away with it?