The following statement was made by the IPCC in 2013: “It is extremely likely [95 percent confidence] more than half of the observed increase in global average surface temperature from 1951 to 2010 was caused by the anthropogenic increase in greenhouse gas concentrations”. Let’s say that sixty per cent of the 0.53 degrees Celsius of warming since 1950 could be attributed to man’s activities and forty per cent due to natural causes it would mean that man could be responsible for a about 0.32 degrees Celsius of global warming over sixty years.
The above graph from Abinav’s Tech Blog uses a broken Y-axis that begins at 13.4°C instead of starting at zero. The chart does not hide this fact, and you can see that the chart’s Y-axis starts at 13.4°C, but the most visually prominent piece in the graph is, well, the graph! And it screams the message that global temperatures are going off the charts – it’s time to panic. Global warming is a serious yet controversial enough topic without bringing in bad data visualizations practices and should not be shown in schools. There is no denying that we as a world need to get serious about investing in alternative and renewable sources, but the above graph is just plain bad.
The IPCC and most sites that are promoting global warming should be using a similar graph to the above where the Y-axis starts at zero. It is not the stock market or currency comparisons that we are dealing with here. We know that the climate has been changing over millions of years as evidenced by ice cores etc. which have shown the earth has experienced extreme cold and warm periods over eons of time. President Obama’s climate czar, John Holdren, thought overpopulation of the planet was our main problem and at one stage had suggested compulsory castration as an option. Our biggest problem is not the climate but our dependency on plastics. They require the use of crude oil in their manufacture and they are choking our oceans and waterways and eventually ending up in our food chain.
The global average temperature for the decade ending in 2010 at 14.47 C is correct but they raised it to approximately 14.53 C in 2015, just weeks before the Paris Conference, obviously to influence its delegates.
They said: When you resort to such gimmickry to buttress your point, it not only hurts your credibility but also harms the cause. This sums up what has happened since the 1980’s…and it is called fraud.