From an article titled: “Separate Studies Rank 1990 As World’s Warmest Year” published by the New York Times in 1991: The seven warmest years since 1880 have all occurred in the last 11 years, according to climatologists at the space agency’s NASA/Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York and six of the seven warmest years since 1850 have all occurred since 1980, according to a somewhat different set of surface measurements by senior scientists Phil Jones at the University of East Anglia in England and David Parker at the British Met Office . The Goddard team analyzed temperatures recorded on land and on oceanic islands; the British team also included temperatures taken from ships.
Jones, chief climatologist at East Anglia, said global temperatures had risen by about one degree Fahrenheit since the beginning of the century and the six warmest years in order were,in order,1988, 1987, 1983, 1981, 1980 and 1986.
NASA/Goddard group found that the record average surface temperature for the globe in 1990 was eight-tenths of a degree Fahrenheit above the 1951-1980 average of 59 degrees. The British group found it seventh-tenths of a degree higher than the 1951-80 average…… only one tenth of one degree difference.
It all changed in 1990 when the The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change an intergovernmental body of the United Nations, whose job it was to advance scientific knowledge about climate change caused by human activities, in addition to The World Meteorological Organization and the United Nations Environment Program established the IPCC in 1988, who all got involved.
The above 1998 link shows where Phil Jones, senior climatologist at CRU East Anglia as the major contributor had brokered an agreement with all the climate authorities to lower global temperatures by about 2 degrees Fahrenheit to fit snugly with the dodgy Hockey Stick data that they were to publish that same year.
Judging by the graphs above everyone was on board the 80’s and 90’s higher temperatures including Phil Jones himself. The graphs also show equally stable higher temperatures (59 C plus) from about 1925.
Could it be that the only way they could show global warming was to lower annual temperatures to provide “wriggle room” to create a gradual warming in subsequent years, to plot a course that would see temperatures hover around or threaten to exceed the 15.17 C mark, the dreaded 1.5 C above the pre-industrial average of 13.67 C.
The link below describes how the Hockey Stick crew stuck thermometers readings on to tree ring data and concealed data that did not fit their narrative.
JULY 14, 1996 12 AM PT
How hot was it? Last year was the hottest year on record, according to NASA’s top world temperature taker. The globe’s average temperature for 1995 was an estimated 59.8 degrees Fahrenheit, barely edging out 1990 and about 0.8 degree above the 1950-1980 average. That’s according to James E. Hansen, writing in the June 15 issue of Geophysical Research Letters. It was Hansen who first brought the threat of global warming to national attention, telling a congressional committee in 1988 that he was “99%” sure that greenhouse warming was underway. “Over the next few years I would, with a pretty high degree of confidence, expect the global temperatures to exceed even the 1995 level,” he said in an interview. The IPCC have not included higher temperatures in their archives.
We did not have to wait long because in June 1998 Al Gores held a press conference to announce that the global temperature for 1997 “was some 62 degrees”. Despite it being withdrawn by NOAA at least four months earlier.
It seems ridiculous that the high temperature record, much of it recorded by the use of Satellites, up to 1990 could be removed after 30 years in favor of the Hockey Stick temperature data which was compiled by the dubious methodology of using proxies in conjunction with thermometers.