As part of the plan, we will work with residents, businesses and visitors to achieve net zero emissions for Council operations by 2028 and for the community by 2035.
Community consultation on the Draft plan occurred between April and November this year through Your Say Manningham, a Gender Impact Assessment, survey and in person pop-up stalls across our city such as the Plastic Free July events and FOGO information stalls.
We received valuable submissions and contributions (including from 316 survey participants) and incorporated this feedback to reflect the strong themes captured throughout the engagement.
These included prioritising:
- improved public transport and switching to electric vehicles
- more energy efficient LED streetlights
- more rooftop solar and household/building energy saving measures
- diverting food and garden organics (FOGO) waste away from landfill
- incentives to recycle and repurpose materials
- bolstering biodiversity
- more community education and awareness raising.
The plan to address climate change was developed following Council’s declaration of a climate emergency in 2020.
The declaration acknowledged, ‘we are in a state of serious climate and environmental change and this climate emergency requires urgent action by all levels of government, including local government.’
Manningham Mayor, Cr Deirdre Diamante, said the CEAP would be published and distributed widely in early 2023.
“Thank you to everyone who contributed to this important plan. It really will take a community effort to respond to the climate emergency locally and it is critical we are prepared to tackle climate risks including extreme weather, heatwaves, bushfires, storms and flooding.
“We will continue to engage on how we put the plan into action so the community feels supported and empowered to reach net zero emissions by 2035.”
When will this silliness end? Electric cars would have to travel, depending on their size, up to 100,000 kilometers before they become green.
The battery is garanteed for 160 thousand kms I hear . Better than most petrol engines that need servicing at least every year. Like the sound of that. Do the equation. Petrol to be included. 10 years and the vehicle is paying itself off of your spending $80 a week on petrol and destroying this planet in the meantime
Yes, and the battery weighs 1000 lbs which is equal to carrying six people. That is why the electric cars are at least plastic 50% plastic to reduce weight. The world is trying to reduce the plastic in our waterways and in our bodies when they become micro plastics.
What happened to the countries behind the iron curtain and to Venezuela, one of the richest countries of the world, will happen here if we continue to be influenced by this ridiculous dogma being generated from Geneva.
They tried it in Russia and look what happened there!