“It is extremely likely that human influence on climate caused more than half of the observed increase in global average surface temperature from 1951 to 2010,” “There is high confidence that this has warmed the ocean, melted snow and ice, raised global mean sea level and changed some climate extremes in the second half of the 20th century”. “An international panel of scientists has found with near certainty that human activity is the cause of most of the temperature increases of recent decades, and warns that sea levels could conceivably rise by more than three feet by the end of the century”. from an IPCC report Aug 2013.
This bar temperature graph above is drawn to scale from a zero y axis and covers the period 2002-2022. The temperature anomalies shown in the graph are relative to the twentieth century average of 13.90 degrees Celsius. For example: 0.86 C for 2022 added to 13.90 C = 14.76. C. The warming from 1880 to 2022 is estimated at approximately 7% over all of which 2% to 3% could be due to natural variability and/or the margin of error due to the lack of any reliable data before 1979. You won’t see a graph like the above shown in any school curriculum or any published articles on global warming.
This graph shows the same temperatures as the above but with a broken Y axis which refers only to warming above 14 degrees which is confusing. .
The above temperature graph is meant to show the global warming between 1950 to 2010, of which the IPCC say man is responsible for more than Half. When an authority resorts to the above measures to exaggerate a point, it not only hurts its own credibility but also the reputation of climate science itself.
The graph below from the World Meteorology Organisation shows a decadal rate of warming, about 0.52 degrees Celsius over 60 years, of which at least 0.27 degrees Celsius was due to man’s activities. That works out to be around 0.0045 degrees Celsius per year over 60 years of warming that was due to man. If they made a mistake and found it was entirely due to man in would amount to an annual increase 0.0086 degrees Celsius. Natural variability and sampling errors had not been considered in the final temperature records.
NOAA is not the only one misrepresenting the global warming using graphs. The way they are presenting these graphs is to influence school children which is what UN have advocated in their reports. The data that you presented is interesting but it won’t stop the UN con.
At the current rate people are burning fossil fuels, only seven to eight years remain before the 1.5C limit is passed. To stick to the target, countries, companies and individuals would have to cut their emissions by half every decade until 2050 which is not possible
They won’t say what the pre-industrial temperature from which the 1.5 C is added. However, according to the WMO the temperature for that period was 13.76 C which means 15.26 C would be the temperature level we would have to keep below. Looking at the 2022 temperature of 14.76 C published by NOAA, we still have 0.50 C to go before we hit this dreaded mark.
You can bet London to a brick that they will start raising temperatures again this year. They have to reach 15.26 C by 2030 and will hover up and down when they reach that mark to keep the population, particularly our children, constantly on edge.
Not that it makes much difference the temperature for the decade at 14.47 C is not correct. It could have been something in the order of 14.52 C still a trivial amount I must admit.