According to data from NOAA, the current sea level trend at Fort Denison in Sydney, NSW is rising at a rate of approximately 0.75 millimeters per year, which translates to a change of 0.26 feet per century. This comes from reliable sea level data recorded all the way back to 1886 at Fort Denison 1 & 2 according to the NOAA website. The plot shows the monthly mean sea level without the regular seasonal fluctuations due to coastal ocean temperatures, salinities, winds, atmospheric pressures, and ocean currents. Relative Sea Level trends at the coast can be positive or negative. A negative trend does not mean the ocean surface is falling; Indicating land might be rising more quickly than the ocean.
Tidal Marks Clearly Show Stable Levels. Fort Denison is (sea level rise) acceleration-free. Without cherry-picking procedures and only selecting the time window or the tide gauge that supports positively accelerating sea level claims, there is not too much of positive acceleration measured by the Sydney tide gauge and the other tide gauges of the world of similar quality and length. The 170 world tide gauges with more than 60 years of data recorded in the PSMSL data base presently showing a relative rate of rise of about +0.403 mm yr–1, constant, very likely the result of more subsidence than isostasy at the tide gauge locations, for an average absolute rate of sea level rise very close to zero.
With a total construction area of 214,000 square meters and a building height of 74.95 meters, the 3,200 Social Housing Units project in Maldives located in Hulhumale Phase-2 consists of 7 buildings of 25-floors each and 1 floor underground. This is China’s largest housing project in Maldives. It is the first project in Maldives to achieve the construction speed of one floor in three days, and it is also the first application of the technologies in the region, such as the construction of high-rise houses in complex coral areas. Sea level rise no worry!
There are more articles than ever before now being being published on the internet with most of them leaning towards the dismantling of the global warming scare. The Australian labor party should now distance itself from the US democratic party who have become a disaster
Not a word about the fifteen storey apartment buildings constructed by China in the Maldives while they continue to frighten our children with the prospect of the world going under water. The high number of drop outs who have hitched themselves to world warming need to get a job.